Law firms are made of people and PLKC understands that the more amalgamated we are, particularly around a purpose that inspires us, the more productive the individual performance and the more synchronized, cooperative and fruitful the teamwork. Among PLKC team’s goals, projects and objectives is included a systemic view that transcends the legal expertise and goes beyond our windows, paying careful attention to the internal and external realities, using the team members’ knowledge, talents, capacities and good intentions in the perception of the positive impact they may have on society, even if through small gestures.
Pro bono legal services to community institutions and towards strengthening the third sector
Commitment to the Movement for a Donation Culture
Donations and launching of philanthropical campaigns
Support for social inclusion through mentorship for the entrance of young people in the work market and for entrepreneurship
Blood donation campaigns drive
Clothes campaigns, books and toys
Task force and other social activities with the active participation of all PLKC members
“Do good without looking at whom!”, PLKC Solidarity’s mantra, was chosen by our members.
Here are some of our actions and supported organizations:
PLKC Advogados e UNICEF fazem parceria em prol da educação de jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade e lançam a campanha #MaisConexão #MaisDireitos.
Além do impacto direto na saúde de milhares de pessoas, a crise da COVID-19 também tem acelerado as desigualdades sociais e econômicas existentes entre diferentes grupos da sociedade brasileira, atingindo em cheio os jovens que não têm acesso à internet, considerando que as aulas presenciais ainda estão longe de voltar à normalidade e o ensino online ou híbrido é a nova realidade.
Diante desse cenário, buscando evitar a evasão escolar e o recrudescimento das assimetrias sócioeconômicas, o Unicef e o PLKC se uniram para transformar doações em dinheiro em kits de conectividade que chegarão com segurança a jovens estudantes de escolas públicas de São Paulo e da região Norte do país.
“Legal pela Brasilândia” was created within PLKC Solidarity after the sad report of lives lost to COVID-19 and to hunger made by one of our secretaries, who lives in the neighborhood of Brasilândia, during one of our video calls. At that moment, we rolled up our sleeves and started to search for civil society organizations in that neighborhood and for partners with experience in the donation of staples. We reconnected with ONG Banco de Alimentos and Instituto Stop Hunger, from Sodexo, and developed the idea that we should appeal to partners in the legal field, in an optimistic goal of raising R$1.0 Million to be converted into food vouchers and donated to the Brasilândia families. With donations from PLKC, its members, clients, friends, partners and the network of law firms that embraced the cause, the initial goal was surpassed in August 2020. A victory for PLKC Solidarity, which makes us extremely proud and only encourages us to do more and more! More information.